Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another December shoot...

and beautiful children. Little Mr. "N" now has a beautiful little sister! And what a head of hair she's so full and pretty and those eyes of hers are just captivating! I have been doing photos for this family since Mr. N was in mommy's belly! I just adore the kids and mom and dad...whenever they visit, I'm all smiles :)


jamiekoppi said...

I love the last photo... I am sucker for black and white! All of them are great though!

Anonymous said...

I love these baby photos! I can't wait for you to do Savanna's when she gets here!

Jeannie Reeves said...

Love them!

Stacey J. said...

That little guys coat is sooo adorable!!!

Sara Hurt (Biese) said...

Thanks Stacey...his coat has been passed down thru the ages, so it really has meaning to the family. I love it too and he is so stinking is his sister :)