Hi everyone. Just a quick update and a not so good one. On Thursday, I had an appointment with a retina specialist because I was having a curtain like effect on the nasal side of my left eye. Well, my worst fear was confirmed by Dr. Hubbard and Dr. Nanda...my retina had detached. Some of you may remember that in April of 2006, I had a detached retina, but in my right eye. I had what was called
scleral buckle surgery. For that surgery I was asleep and the recovery went pretty well.
For the latest surgery, it was not so pleasant. They kept me at the office and performed it there. I was awake the whole time and don't recommend it ever. I won't go into details, but I don't wish this upon anyone...it was awful and I am now sporting a majorly swollen eye that is nice and bruised. The procedure they did was called
pneumatic retinopexy and
laser/cryo-surgery. If you click on the procedures, you can read more about it if you are curious.
For the next two weeks, I am to lay down on my right side as much as possible to push the bubble up against the wall of the retina. Not fun especially when I am a left side sleeper.
Anyway, I wanted to somewhat update everyone on what was going on with me. My blogging unfortunately, will have to be put aside along with many other things. My Christmas cards were only half addressed and half sent...so some of you may receive your Christmas card after Christmas! For somone who clearly depends on her eyes for her profession and passion, I'm sure you can understand the stress and seriousness of this.
I hope you all have a super holiday! I hope to be back to picture taking early to mid January...not sure if that is doable...but I have my follow up appointment with my doctor on January 2nd.