Anyone have a catchy name for my new Monday photo posts? If so, leave a comment here...if I select your name as my Monday title, you will get a $10 gift card to either Panera Bread or Starbucks...your choice! So, leave me a comment...

Here is today's photo. This little pup showed up in my neighbor's backyard over the weekend. He is the sweetest, most happy dog. And my Sulley just loves him. They run the fence like mad. Can you envision my 90lb dog running the fence nose to nose with this little guy? It's fantastic to watch!!!! And don't forget to leave me your suggestion!!! I'm not looking for a title to this particular photo, but a name for my weekly Monday post.
Oh and one more thing...leave just one title per person. Deadline for comments to be eligible is Sunday, April 26th @ 11:59pm.
Monday Morning Motivations. hee hee....I'll keep thinking. You know I want that Starbuck card!
I like marianne's.....but here is my 2 cents.......
"Monday Monday" with music!
Merry Monday Musings
LOVE the pug. We're getting a new on in the family in a few weeks. Love the way they snort.
Monday Morning Inspirations
A moment away from mayhem
Sara's captured moment of the week
"I mean honestly, Does my butt look too big in this?" :)
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