and it all starts with my family, my boyfriend and his family, and my wonderful clients and friends. It has been such an awesome year and my business has flourished all because of the many special people in my life who have supported me, listened to me, encouraged me and loved me.
Having my own business is a great thing, but it is a lot of work and long hours and unfortunately that time is taken away from those I love, but the great thing is...they understand and know that I have a deep passion for what I do. It is my goal next year to better manage my time, so that I will be able to travel home more often to see my family (I've got the best parents in the world) and to spend more time with Scott, my boyfriend.
So in a nutshell...I am thankful for YOU...for reading my blog and caring about my work and giving me a chance to follow my dreams. And of course, I cannot forget the two in my life that are always there for pups, Lucky and Sulley. Dogs are such great gifts and the unconditional love they share is amazing.
OK...I've got to stop writing because I am now teary eyed! Love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!
Below you will see my parents and their great sense of humor...they wanted to do something special for the grandkids and this is what we came up with:) Don't they look super for almost seventy!

And my pups from last year at Christmas. As you can see by looking at my 90lb. baby, Sullivan, the studio is not their favorite place to be:)