and I love it! Mr. Conner walked into my studio, headed to the box of toys and proceeded to empty it. This totally made me happy...why? It showed that he certainly was not going to be shy for the camera or towards me! He is such a funny kid and when I say busy, I mean busy. It was a fun session and I'm sure I burned some extra calories, so thanks Conner! Enjoy!
When I captured the look in this first photo, you could say I was estatic. By this time in the shoot little Miss M was pretty much finished with me. She had done such a super job but was reaching the end of her rope :)
So we started playing a game. The game was "Throw Cheerios at Mom". Once all of the Cheerios were thrown, I talked to Maguire while mom picked up the Cheerios so she could once again become a target. It was pretty entertaining! I'm pretty sure some were aimed at me as well! Many don't know the lengths and tricks that photographers go to to get that certain shot or look. Well, now you do!
I have to say Maguire has that WOW factor. Those eyes of hers are just captivating! Enjoy!
Haha...this little guy is to die for. He is sweet, charming, shy yet very personable. I loved everything about him. If you see the little girl who is currently the header on my blog, well, that is his future wife. Now how funny would that be if life led them that way? Seriously, the parents are very good friends and joke about this. But looking at these two cuties, I'm pretty sure that would be a dream come true for Linsey and Allison.
Little Cooper's mommy was expecting at this shoot as you will see in one of the photos below. sister has arrived and I will blog on her when I get caught up. I apologize for my lack of blogging but this is busy season and I have to prioritize. But I promise to blog on each and every session! It may just be in January:) Enjoy!
Piper was a dream to shoot. She was so peaceful and sleepy that she made my job a breeze. And look at how absolutely, stunningly beautiful she is with that dark hair and precious little lips.
I was so excited that she fit into my little Christmas sleigh and seemed to be as comfy as can be. So adorable! Enjoy this bundle of sweetness :)
That is, one of the Yaffe families I shoot for. I'll be posting some from the whole family shoot, but that will probably be a bit down the road due to this busy time of year.
These two kids are so great. Miss S has one of the biggest hearts I've witnessed in a little girl. It is truly amazing. And Mr. M is as sweet as can be and can really ham it up for the camera. If only I could grab his attention for more than a few seconds. He is definitely in that busy, curious stage! Enjoy!
no little ones! It's not very often that I have a family shoot that doesn't require me to chase the kids around :) But talk about easy...LOL. Enjoy this beautiful family!
My name is Sara and I am the owner of Sara's Photo Creations, llc located in Norman, OK.
Simply put, I love to take pictures of almost everything and anything pertaining to people that is!
Outside of the photography world, I love spending time with my family and husband, Scott, and of course my dogs Lucky and Sulley!
You can also visit my website Sara's Photo Creations