at OU and what a fun, sweet, and loving family they are. I had so much fun and hopefully so did they. I love when I can get my little subjects to connect with the camera and little "Ms. A" and big brother "R" did a super job of that...of course with a little coaxing at times:)
and what a blessing she is to everyone. I've never had such an emotional, meaningful and tearfilled shoot and it was ALL worth it. The love and support that this baby and family has received and will receive is wonderful and so well deserved. It's been a very difficult time, so anyone who reads this please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Much love to you "A", grandma, and Peyton:) It was great seeing y'all and I can't wait to capture more special moments with Peyton. I will have your gallery up soon!
and a bright future ahead for this beauty! She is definately a natural in front of the camera and that hair color is just goes great with everything. I posted a side by side of a color and black & white so you all can see that any color photo can be easily and beautifully changed to b&w or even sepia. If you click on the photos, they will appear larger. Hope you like your sneak preview "B"! :)
ok with me. Girly girls make great subjects:) Don't you agree? I hope you like your sneak preview Rae! You're gorgeous...thanks for letting me take your senior photos!
with my camera of course. It's always fun to shoot someone who shares your common interest. I not only used this time to get some great shots of Ms. Erica, but to also give her some pointers and explain why I was doing certain things with my lights, camera, etc. She really seems to love photography and I'm sure that love will only grow stronger!
still chasing birds! He's fascinated by them and it is sooo cute. On my first shoot with him, when he was two, he was chasing flocks of blackbirds on the OU campus...this time he went for something larger! It's been a couple of years since I've seen Baylor and he sure has grown into a handsome little man. And did I mention how sweet he is? It was great to see him still holding mom's hand and hugging her every chance he got!'ve got a heart breaker on your hands:)
Here is one of his two year pics...guess what he is so mesmerized by? You guessed it....birds! Look how he has changed:)
Seniors are one of my favorite things to shoot as most of you know. Here's another pretty lady from a recent session. What a great smile and great eyes she has! Her best friend was also in for her senior portraits...those will be posted soon as well. Keep tuned!
but isn't she cute! We had a hard time getting her to sit still. I did get a few good snaps. She is 18 weeks old and very playful. Anyone want to share some great captions for these? I think a couple of them would make great cards. Leave a comment for a caption:) Thanks and enjoy Ms. Jelly!
one of the funniest seniors I have ever met! She truly entertained her mother, sister and me...oh and clearly she entertained herself as well:) Check out that smile! Not only is she funny, but very photogenic. We discussed doing a shoot with her and her two sisters. What a trip that will be:)
What cute little outfits Mom brought! The first is my favorite with the bees on it. She was having a blast...but after a busy shoot of peek a boo and clothing changes, she decided she was done:) But we got some great shots!
What a darling 2 year old. He was truly a pleasure to take pictures of. I hadn't seen him since his 1 year photos, so it was neat to see how much he's grown. And I must say the "terrible twos" certainly didn't apply to him. He was wonderful!
My name is Sara and I am the owner of Sara's Photo Creations, llc located in Norman, OK.
Simply put, I love to take pictures of almost everything and anything pertaining to people that is!
Outside of the photography world, I love spending time with my family and husband, Scott, and of course my dogs Lucky and Sulley!
You can also visit my website Sara's Photo Creations